5.0-trunk (revision 14701)
Application Instrumentation

Score-P provides several possibilities to instrument user application code. Besides the automatic compiler-based instrumentation (Section   'Automatic Compiler Instrumentation'   ), it provides manual instrumentation using the Score-P User API (Section   'Manual Region Instrumentation'   ), semi-automatic instrumentation using POMP2 directives (Section   'Semi-Automatic Instrumentation of POMP2 User Regions'   ) and, if configured, automatic source-code instrumentation using the PDToolkit-based instrumenter (Section   'Source-Code Instrumentation Using PDT'   ).

As well as user routines and specified source regions, Score-P currently supports the following kinds of events:

MPI library calls:

Instrumentation is accomplished using the standard MPI profiling interface PMPI. To enable it, the application program has to be linked against the Score-P MPI (or hybrid) measurement library plus MPI-specific libraries. Note that the Score-P libraries must be linked before the MPI library to ensure interposition will be effective.

SHMEM library calls:

Instrumentation is accomplished using the SHMEM profiling interface or the GNU linker for library wrapping. To enable it, the application program has to be linked against the Score-P SHMEM (or hybrid) measurement library plus SHMEM-specific libraries. Note that the Score-P libraries must be linked before the SHMEM library to ensure interposition will be effective.

OpenMP directives & API calls:

The Score-P measurement system uses the OPARI2 tool for instrumentation of OpenMP constructs. See the OPARI2 documentation on how to instrument OpenMP source code. In addition, the application must be linked with the Score-P OpenMP (or hybrid) measurement library.

Pthread library calls:
The Score-P measurement system uses GNU linker for instrumentation of Pthreads library calls. At the moment only a few library calls are supported.

The Score-P instrumenter command scorep automatically takes care of compilation and linking to produce an instrumented executable, and should be prefixed to compile and link commands. Often this only requires prefixing definitions for CC or MPICC (and equivalents) in Makefiles.

Usually the Score-P instrumenter scorep is able to automatically detect the programming paradigm from the set of compile and link options given to the compiler. In some cases however, when the compiler or compiler wrapper enables specific programming paradigm by default (e.g., Pthreads on Cray and Blue Gene/Q systems), scorep needs to be made aware of the programming paradigm in order to do the correct instrumentation. Please see scorep --help for the available options.

When using Makefiles, it is often convenient to define a "preparation preposition" placeholder (e.g., PREP) which can be prefixed to (selected) compile and link commands:

    MPICC  = $(PREP) mpicc
    MPICXX = $(PREP) mpicxx
    MPIF90 = $(PREP) mpif90

These can make it easier to prepare an instrumented version of the program with

    make PREP="scorep"

while default builds (without specifying PREP on the command line) remain fully optimized and without instrumentation.

In order to instrument applications which employ GNU Autotools for building, following instrumentation procedure has to be used:

  1. Configure application as usual, but provide additional argument:


  2. Build application using make command with compiler specification variables set as follows:

    make CC="scorep <your-cc-compiler>" \\
    CXX="scorep <your-cxx-compiler>" \\
    FC="scorep <your-fc-compiler>" ...

When compiling without the Score-P instrumenter, the scorep-config command can be used to simplify determining the appropriate linker flags and libraries, or include paths:

    scorep-config [--mpp=none|--mpp=mpi|--mpp=shmem] \
    [--thread=none|--thread=omp|--thread=pthread] --libs

The --mpp= switch selects which message passing paradigm is used. Currently, Score-P supports applications using MPI ( --mpp=mpi ) or SHMEM ( --mpp=shmem ) and applications without any message passing paradigm. It is not possible to specify two message passing systems for the same application. The --thread= switch selects which threading system is used in Score-P. You may use OpenMP ( --thread=omp ), no threading system ( --thread=none ) or POSIX threading system ( --thread=pthread ). It is not possible to specify two threading systems for the same application. However, you may combine a message passing system with a threading system.

A particular installation of Score-P may not offer all measurement configurations!

The scorep-config command can also be used to determine the right compiler flags for specifying the include directory of the scorep/SCOREP_User.h or scorep/SCOREP_User.inc header files. When compiling without using the Score-P instrumenter, necessary defines and compiler instrumentation flags can be obtained by calling one of the following, depending on the language:

    scorep-config --cflags [<options>]
    scorep-config --cxxflags [<options>]
    scorep-config --fflags [<options>]

If you compile a C file, you should use --cflags. If you use a C++ program, you should use --cxxflags. And if you compile a Fortran source file, you should use --flags.

With the additional options it is possible to select the used adapter, the threading system and the message passing system. For each adapter, we provides a pair of flags of the form --adapter, and --noadapter (please replace adapter by the name of the adapter). This allows to get options for non-default instrumentation possibilities. E.g., --user enables the manual instrumentation with the Score-P user API, the --nocompiler option disables compiler instrumentation.

Disabling OpenMP measurements with the --noopenmp flag, disables all except parallel regions. Internally Score-P needs to track events on a per-thread basis and thus needs to be aware of the creation and destruction of OpenMP threads. Accordingly these regions will also show up in the measurements.

Score-P supports a variety of instrumentation types for user-level source routines and arbitrary regions, in addition to fully-automatic MPI and OpenMP instrumentation, as summarized in Table   instopts   .

Score-P instrumenter option overview
Type of instrumentation Instrumenter switch Default value Instrumented routines Runtime measurement control
MPI --mpp=mpi (auto) configured by install (see Sec. Selection of MPI Groups )
SHMEM --mpp=shmem/--mpp=none (auto) configured by install
OpenCL --opencl/--noopencl enabled configured by install (see Sec. OpenCL Performance Measurement )
OpenACC --openacc/--noopenacc enabled configured by install (see Sec. OpenACC Performance Measurement )
OpenMP --thread=omp / --no|openmp (auto) all parallel constructs
Pthread --thread=pthread (auto) Basic Pthread library calls
Compiler (see Sec. Automatic Compiler Instrumentation ) --compiler/--nocompiler enabled all Filtering (see Sec. Filtering )
PDT instrumentation (see Sec. Source-Code Instrumentation Using PDT ) --pdt/--nopdt disabled all Filtering (see Sec. Filtering )
POMP2 user regions (see Sec. Semi-Automatic Instrumentation of POMP2 User Regions ) --pomp/--nopomp disabled manually annotated Filtering (see Sec. Filtering )
Manual (see Sec. Manual Region Instrumentation ) --user/--nouser disabled manually annotated Filtering (see Sec. Filtering )
selective recording (see Sec. Selective Recording )

When the instrumenter determines that MPI or OpenMP are being used, it automatically enables MPI library instrumentation or OPARI2-based OpenMP instrumentation, respectively. The default set of instrumented MPI library functions is specified when Score-P is installed. All OpenMP parallel constructs and API calls are instrumented by default.

To fine-tune instrumentation of OpenMP regions, use the --opari=<parameter-list> option. For available parameters please refer to the OPARI2 manual.
Since Score-P version 1.3 there were two variants of internal OpenMP data handling, namely --thread=omp:pomp_tpd and --thread=omp:ancestry, depending on the functionality available on the target system. From Score-P version 4 on, due to internal refactorings, we replace the two OpenMP threading variants by only one: --thread=omp. The possible options are detected at configure time. If both are available, the ancestry mechanism will be used by default.

By default, automatic instrumentation of user-level source routines by the compiler is enabled (equivalent to specifying --compiler). The compiler instrumentation can be disabled with --nocompiler when desired, such as when using PDToolkit, or POMP2 or Score-P user API manual source annotations, are enabled with --pdt, --pomp and --user, respectively. Compiler, PDToolkit, POMP2 and Score-P user API instrumentation can all be used simultaneously, or in arbitrary combinations, however, it is generally desirable to avoid instrumentation duplication (which would result if all are used to instrument the same routines). Note that enabling PDToolkit instrumentation automatically enables Score-P user instrumentation, because it inserts Score-P user macros into the source code.

Sometimes it is desirable to explicitly direct the Score-P instrumenter to do nothing except execute the associated compile/link command. For such cases it is possible to disable default instrumentation with --nocompiler, --thread=none, and/or --mpp=none. Although no instrumentation is performed, this can help verify that the Score-P instrumenter correctly handles the compile/link commands.

Disabling OpenMP in the instrumenter for OpenMP applications will cause errors during program execution if any event occurs inside of a parallel region.

Each thread model uses a default internal locking mechanism for the Score-P measurement system. For the standard use case there is no need to specify an explicit locking mode. However, on certain systems or for performance reasons it might be useful to change the locking mode. For these cases the instrumenter provides the option --mutex=[omp|pthread|pthread:spinlock|pthread:wrap|none]. Current possibilities are the OpenMP locking (omp), Pthread mutex (pthread), Pthread spinlock (pthread:spinlock), Pthread mutex, where original functions replaced with __real functions (pthread:wrap), and none at all (none). Which of these are available for a given installation will be determined at configure time.

Not all combinations of thread model and explicit choice of locking are useful. Currently, only the combination of no locking with a real threading system is overwritten by the thread model default to ensure thread safety.

Automatic Compiler Instrumentation

Most current compilers support automatic insertion of instrumentation calls at routine entry and exit(s), and Score-P can use this capability to determine which routines are included in an instrumented measurement.

Compiler instrumentation of all routines in the specified source file(s) is enabled by default by Score-P, or can be explicitly requested with --compiler. Compiler instrumentation is disabled with --nocompiler.

Depending on the compiler, and how it performs instrumentation, insertion of instrumentation may disable in-lining and other significant optimizations, or in-lined routines may not be instrumented at all (and therefore "invisible").

Automatic compiler-based instrumentation has been tested with a number of different compilers:

In all cases, Score-P supports automatic instrumentation of C, C++ and, Fortran codes, except for the SUN Studio compilers which only provide appropriate support in their Fortran compiler.

The automatic compiler instrumentation might create a significant relative measurement overhead on short function calls. This can impact the overall application performance during measurement. C++ applications are especially prone to suffer from this, depending on application design and whether C++ STL functions are also instrumented by the compiler. Currently, it is not possible to prevent the instrumentation of specific functions on all platforms when using automatic compiler instrumentation.
As an exception, the GCC plug-in based function instrumentation supports all filtering features when using the --instrument-filter flag to the Score-P instrumenter (see Sec.   'Filtering'   ).

Names provided for instrumented routines depend on the compiler, which may add underscores and other decorations to Fortran and C++ routine names, and whether name "demangling" has been enabled when Score-P was installed and could be applied successfully.

Manual Region Instrumentation

In addition to the automatic compiler-based instrumentation (see Section   'Automatic Compiler Instrumentation'   ), instrumentation can be done manually. Manual instrumentation can also be used to augment automatic instrumentation with region or phase annotations, which can improve the structure of analysis reports. Furthermore, it offers the possibility to record additional, user defined metrics. Generally, the main program routine should be instrumented, so that the entire execution is measured and included in the analysis.

Instrumentation can be performed in the following ways, depending on the programming language used.


#include "scorep/SCOREP_User.inc"
subroutine foo
SCOREP_USER_REGION_DEFINE( my_region_handle )
! more declarations
! do something
SCOREP_USER_REGION_END( my_region_handle )
end subroutine foo


void foo()
SCOREP_USER_REGION_DEFINE( my_region_handle )
// more declarations
// do something
SCOREP_USER_REGION_END( my_region_handle )

C++ only:

void foo()
// do something
When using Fortran, make sure the C preprocessor expands the macros. In most cases, the fortran compiler invoke the C preprocessor if the source file suffix is in capital letters. However, some compilers provide extra flags to tell the compiler to use a C preprocessor. Furthermore, it is important to use the C-like #include with the leading '#'-character to include the SCOREP_User.inc header file. Otherwise, the inclusion may happen after the C preprocessor ran. As result the fortran compiler complains about unknown preprocessing directives.

Region handles (my_region_handle) should be registered in each annotated function/subroutine prologue before use within the associated body, and should not already be declared in the same program scope.

For every region, the region type can be indicated via the region type flag. Possible region types are:

Indicates regions without a special region type.
Indicates that the region is a function or subroutine
Indicates that the region is the body of a loop, with the same number of iterations in all locations.
Set this type to create a separate branch in the call-tree for every execution of the region. See Section   'Dynamic Region Profiling'   .
Indicates that this region belongs to a special phase. See Section   'Phase Profiling'   .

To create a region of combined region types you can connect two or more types with the binary OR-operator, e.g.:

For function instrumentation in C and C++, Score-P provides macros, which automatically pass the name and function type to Score-P measurement system. The SCOREP_USER_FUNC_BEGIN macro contains a variable definition. Thus, compilers that require strict separation of declaration and execution part, may not work with this macro.


void foo()
// do something

In some cases, it might be useful to have the possibility to define region handles with a global scope. In C/C++, a region handle can be defined at a global scope with SCOREP_USER_GLOBAL_REGION_DEFINE. In this case, the SCOREP_USER_REGION_DEFINE must be omitted. The SCOREP_USER_GLOBAL_REGION_DEFINE must only appear in one file. To use the same global variable in other files, too, declare the global region in other files with SCOREP_USER_GLOBAL_REGION_EXTERNAL.

File 1:

SCOREP_USER_REGION_BEGIN( global_handle, "phase 1",
// do something
SCOREP_USER_REGION_END( global_handle )

File 2:

SCOREP_USER_REGION_BEGIN( global_handle, "phase 1",
// do something
SCOREP_USER_REGION_END( global_handle )
These macros are not available in Fortran.

In addition, the macros SCOREP_USER_REGION_BY_NAME_BEGIN( name, type ) and SCOREP_USER_REGION_BY_NAME_END( name ) are available. These macros might introduce more overhead than the standard macros but can annotate user regions without the need to take care about the handle struct. This might be useful for automatically generating instrumented code or to avoid global declaration of this variable.


/* Application functions are already instrumented with these two calls. */
void instrument_begin(const char* regionname)
/* code added for Score-P instrumentation */
void instrument_end(const char* regionname)


#include "scorep/SCOREP_User.inc"
subroutine instrument_begin(regionname)
character(len=*) :: regionname
end subroutine instrument_begin
subroutine instrument_end(regionname)
character(len=*) :: regionname
end subroutine instrument_end
When using the "BY_NAME" macros in Fortran, be aware of section of the F90/95/2003 standard. If you pass name through a dummy argument of a subroutine the length len of the character array name must be exactly the size of the actual string passed. In the Fortran examples above this is assured by len=*.
To ensure correct nesting, avoid automatic compiler instrumentation for these helper functions.

The source files instrumented with Score-P user macros have to be compiled with -DSCOREP_USER_ENABLE otherwise SCOREP_* calls expand to nothing and are ignored. If the Score-P instrumenter --user flag is used, the SCOREP_USER_ENABLE symbol will be defined automatically. Also note, that Fortran source files instrumented this way have to be preprocessed with the C preprocessor (CPP).

Manual routine instrumentation in combination with automatic source-code instrumentation by the compiler or PDT leads to double instrumentation of user routines, i.e., usually only user region instrumentation is desired in this case.

Instrumentation for Parameter-Based Profiling

The Score-P user API provides also macros for parameter-based profiling. In parameter-based profiling, the parameters of a function are used to split up the call-path for executions of different parameter values. In Score-P parameter-based profiling is supported for integer and string parameters. To associate a parameter value to a region entry, insert a call to SCOREP_USER_PARAMETER_INT64 for signed integer parameters, SCOREP_USER_PARAMETER_UINT64 for unsigned integer parameters, or SCOREP_USER_PARAMETER_STRING for string parameters after the region entry (e.g., after SCOREP_USER_REGION_BEGIN or SCOREP_USER_FUNC_BEGIN).


#include "scorep/SCOREP_User.inc"
subroutine foo(i, s)
integer :: i
character (*) :: s
SCOREP_USER_REGION_DEFINE( my_region_handle )
SCOREP_USER_PARAMETER_INT64(int_param, "myint",i)
SCOREP_USER_PARAMETER_UINT64(uint_param, "myuint",i)
SCOREP_USER_PARAMETER_STRING(string_param, "mystring",s)
// do something
SCOREP_USER_REGION_END( my_region_handle )
end subroutine foo


void foo(int64_t myint, uint64_t myuint, char *mystring)
SCOREP_USER_REGION_DEFINE( my_region_handle )
// do something
SCOREP_USER_REGION_END( my_region_handle )

In C/C++, only a name for the parameter and the value needs to be provided. In Fortran, the handle must be defined first with SCOREP_USER_PARAMETER_DEFINE. The defined handle name must be unique in the current scope. The macro SCOREP_USER_PARAMETER_INT64 as well as the macro SCOREP_USER_PARAMETER_STRING need the handle as the first argument, followed by the name and the value.

Measurement Control Instrumentation

The Score-P user API also provides several macros for measurement control that can be incorporated in source files and activated during instrumentation. The macro SCOREP_RECORDING_OFF can be used to (temporarily) pause recording until a subsequent SCOREP_RECORDING_ON. Just like the already covered user-defined annotated regions, SCOREP_RECORDING_ON and the corresponding SCOREP_RECORDING_OFF must be correctly nested with other enter/exit events. Please beware that if program start is recorded, i.e., main or MAIN_ are instrumented and not filtered, the recording needs to be switched on before program end in order to get valid measurements. Finally, with SCOREP_RECORDING_IS_ON you can test whether recording is switched on.

Events are not recorded when recording is switched off (though associated definitions are), resulting in smaller measurement overhead. In particular, traces can be much smaller and can target specific application phases (e.g., excluding initialization and/or finalization) or specific iterations. Since the recording switch is process-local, and effects all threads on the process, it can only be initiated outside of OpenMP parallel regions. Switching recording on/off is done independently on each MPI process without synchronization.

Switching recording on/off may result in inconsistent traces or profiles, if not applied with care. In particular, if communication is recorded incomplete (e.g., if the send is missing but the corresponding receive event is recorded) it may result in errors during execution or analysis. Furthermore, it is not possible to switch recording on/off from within parallel OpenMP regions. We recommend to use the selective recording interface, instead of the manual on/off switch whenever possible. Special care is required in combination with selective recording (see Section   'Selective Recording'   , which also switches recording on/off.

Source-Code Instrumentation Enabling Online Access

The Online Access interface to the measurement system of Score-P allows remote control of measurement and access to the profile data. The online access interface may not be available on all platforms. To use the Online Access interface, Score-P must have been built with Online Access (OA) support.

The Online Access module requires the user to specify at least one online access phase. The online access phase does not show the behavior of a region of type phase as defined in Section   'Manual Region Instrumentation'   . However, the way to specify an online access phase is similar to manual region instrumentation. The start and end of the online access phase defines the interaction points, where new measurement control commands are applied and data requests are answered.

To insert an online access phase into the code, the user has to insert the macros SCOREP_USER_OA_PHASE_BEGIN and the corresponding SCOREP_USER_OA_PHASE_END at appropriate locations. These macros must be

Common practice is to mark the body of the application's main loop as online access phase, in order to utilize the main loop iterations for iterative online analysis. Only the measurements collected inside the OA phase could be configured and retrieved.

Instrumentation can be performed in the following ways, depending on the programming language used.


#include "scorep/SCOREP_User.inc"
subroutine foo
SCOREP_USER_REGION_DEFINE( my_region_handle )
! more declarations
! do something
SCOREP_USER_OA_PHASE_END( my_region_handle )
end subroutine foo


void foo()
SCOREP_USER_REGION_DEFINE( my_region_handle )
// do something
// do something
SCOREP_USER_OA_PHASE_END( my_region_handle )

Semi-Automatic Instrumentation of POMP2 User Regions

Since Score-P version 1.4, OpenMP instrumentation using OPARI2 no longer activates POMP2 instrumentation implicitly. You need to explicitly add the --pomp option to the Score-P instrumenter.

If you manually instrument the desired user functions and regions of your application source files using the POMP2 INST directives described below, the Score-P instrumenter --pomp flag will generate instrumentation for them. POMP2 instrumentation directives are supported for Fortran and C/C++. The main advantages are that

The INST BEGIN/END directives can be used to mark any user-defined sequence of statements. If this block has several exit points (as is often the case for functions), all but the last have to be instrumented by INST ALTEND.


subroutine foo(...)
if (<condition>) then
end if
end subroutine foo


void foo(...)
/* declarations */
#pragma pomp inst begin(foo)
if (<condition>)
#pragma pomp inst altend(foo)
#pragma pomp inst end(foo)

At least the main program function has to be instrumented in this way, and additionally, one of the following should be inserted as the first executable statement of the main program:


program main
! declarations
end program main


int main(int argc, char** argv)
/* declarations */
#pragma pomp inst init

By default, the source code is preprocessed before POMP2 instrumentation happens. For more information on the preprocessing, see Section   'Preprocessing before POMP2 and OpenMP instrumentation'   .

Preprocessing before POMP2 and OpenMP instrumentation

By default, source files are preprocessed before the semi-automatic POMP2 instrumentation or the OpenMP construct instrumentation with OPARI2 happens. This ensures, that all constructs and regions that might be contained in header files, templates, or macros are properly instrumented. Furthermore, conditional compilation directives take effect, too. The necessary steps are performed by the Score-P instrumenter tool.

Some Fortran compilers do not regard information about the original source location that the preprocessing leaves in the preprocessed code. This causes wrong source code information for regions from compiler instrumentation, and manual source code instrumentation. However, these compilers also disregard the source code information left by OPARI2. Thus, for these compilers the source location information is incorrect anyway.

If the preprocessing is not desired, you can disable it with the --nopreprocess flag. In this case the instrumentation is performed before the preprocessing happens. In this case constructs and regions in header files, macros, or templates are not instrumented. Conditional compilation directives around constructs may also lead to broken instrumentation.

If a parallel region is not instrumented, the application will crash during runtime.

The preprocessing does not work in combination with PDT source code instrumentation. Thus, if PDT instrumentation is enabled, it changes the default to not preprocess a source file. If you manually specify preprocessing and PDT source code instrumentation, the instrumenter will abort with an error.

Source-Code Instrumentation Using PDT

If Score-P has been configured with PDToolkit support, automatic source-code instrumentation can be used as an alternative instrumentation method. In this case, the source code of the target application is pre-processed before compilation, and appropriate Score-P user API calls will be inserted automatically. However, please note that this feature is still somewhat experimental and has a number of limitations (see Section   'Limitations'   ).

To enable PDT-based source-code instrumentation, call scorep with the --pdt option, e.g.,

    scorep --pdt  mpicc -c foo.c

This will by default instrument all routines found in foo.c. (To avoid double instrumentation, automatic compiler instrumentation is disabled when using Source-Code Instrumentation with PDT. However, if you you can enforce additional compiler instrumentation with --compiler.) The underlying PDT instrumentor supports a set a instrumentation options, which can be set like

    scorep --pdt="-f <inclusion/exclusion file>"  mpicc -c foo.c

This particular option for example can be used to manually include/exclude specific functions from the instrumentation process. The respective file format is described here. Please check the documentation about the tau_instrumentor for more valid options.


Currently the support for the PDT-based source-code instrumenter still has a number of limitations:

User Library Wrapping

User library wrapping enables you to install library wrappers for any C/C++ library you want.

Without this mechanism, in order to intercept calls to a library, you would need to either build this library with Score-P or add manual instrumentation to the application using the library. Another advantage of user library wrapping is you don't need access to the source code of the to-be-wrapped library. Headers and library files suffice.

This feature requires Score-P to be configured with libclang. You can find out whether user library wrapping is enabled via scorep-info config-summary in Section "Score-P (libwrap)".

This section covers how to use already installed wrappers. Appendix Score-P User Library Wrapping explains how to create user library wrappers, and provides additional details.

To find out which user library wrappers are installed call

$ scorep-info libwrap-summary

It lists all found wrappers, either installed into Score-P's installation directory or found via the SCOREP_LIBWRAP_PATH environment variable. Optionally you can run

$ scorep-info libwrap-summary <wrappername>

to show the configuration of a specific wrapper.

You can then use Score-P to link your application in the usual way and additionally provide --libwrap=[<wrapmode>:]<wrappername> to enable library wrapping for the target library.

Example with only relinking the application:

$ scorep --libwrap=fftw3 gcc -o main main.o -L$FFTW_LIB -lfftw3

Example with both recompiling and linking the application:

$ scorep --libwrap=fftw3 --nocompiler gcc -o main -I$FFTW_INC main.c \
    -L$FFTW_LIB -lfftw3

Runtime vs Linktime Wrapping

There exist two ways to wrap calls to the to-be-wrapped (or target-) library. The main difference lies in when the actual wrapping takes place - at linktime or runtime. While they are in essence the same, they differ in which function calls can be intercepted. Specifically:

Wraps calls originating from object files that are part of the linker command line. In addition, calls originating from static libraries are wrapped as well. The actual technique used is the -wrap linker flag.
Wraps all calls that linktime wrapping would, plus those which originate from already linked shared objects. The actual technique used is replacing the original function of the target library and using dlopen and dlsym in the wrapper to open the target library plus finding and calling the original function.

You can choose linktime or runtime wrapping manually via the --libwrap flag by prefixing the wrapper name with either linktime: or runtime:.

Enforce Linking of Static/Shared Score-P Libraries

If the Score-P was build with shared libraries and with static libraries, the instrumenter uses the compiler defaults for linking. E.g., if the compiler chooses shared libraries by default, the instrumenter will link your application with the shared Score-P libraries. Furthermore, the linking is affected by parameters in the original link command. E.g., if your link command contains a -Bstatic flag, afterwards appended Score-P libraries are also linked statically.

If you want to override the default and enforce linking of static or dynamic Score-P libraries, you can add the flag --static or --dynamic for the instrumenter. E.g., a command to enforce static linking can look like:

    scorep --static mpicc foo.c -o foo

In this case, the linking against the static version of the Score-P libraries is enforced.

If enforcing static or dynamic linking is not possible on your system, e.g., because no static/dynamic Score-P libraries are installed, the instrumenter will abort with an error. You can determine whether --static or --dynamic is available from the output of scorep --help. If the --static or --dynamic flags are not shown, then they are not available.